European Inventor Award – 2014

On 17 June 2014 the  European Inventor Award will take place in Berlin (Germany).

“The European Inventor Award, launched by the EPO in 2006, gives inventors the recognition they deserve”.

The driving force behind the innovation process is people – people with a passion for discovery. Without their inquisitive minds, their quest for new ideas and their creativity, there would be no inventive spirit and no progress.

The European Inventor Award pays tribute to the creativity of inventors the world over, who use their technical, scientific and intellectual skills to make a real contribution to technological progress and economic growth and so improve people’s daily lives.

Winners are presented with a trophy shaped like a sail. One of the world’s oldest yet most groundbreaking inventions, the sail is still a symbol of pioneering spirit – a simple technological idea that harnessed natural forces to move man across the oceans for thousands of years.

People are invited to vote their favourite inventor.