Normally a registered trademark is protected for ten years after the application date. In order to extend such protection an application for renewal must be filed at the competent Office.

Many things can happen in ten years. The trademark, as it was registered, may no longer fit the interests of the owner or it may turn out that it is not sufficiently protected as it is used in the market.

Thus, renewal of a trademark registration is the opportunity to evaluate it and to consider adaptation of the adopted trademark protection strategy.

For example, relying on professional renewal services would allow to:

  • Find out if the registered trademark and the one actually used are the same;
  • Check if the products and services included in the registered trademark are those for which the trademark is used to distinguish them in the market.
  • Check if the trademark is being used in other countries and consider possible extensions of the trademark to international level;
  • Check that there were no abusive trademark registrations by third parties in detriment of your own trademark.

inmentor with its international lawyers can help in this delicate phase with issues such as:

  • Filing of renewal applications;
  • Assessment whether the registered trademark still provides sufficient protection of the trademark used;
  • Evaluation of the products and services included in the trademark registration, identifying those which must be renewed according to the current needs of the trademark owner and if necessary align them with decisions of the competent courts, as well as any other relevant requirements for trademarks;
  • Legal advice on whether your trademark should be international.

Contact us clearly describing the matter and your needs. We will try to give you clear information and possibly the budget to benefit you from our services.